Ecolayer Refill System Tips

Presenting the Ecolayer refill system packaging for our E series tips. Choosing these reloading pipette tips not only cuts down on your experiment costs but also demonstrates our commitment to environmental protection. With less plastic in the packaging, we suggest reusing your used racks for refilling tips, giving them a second life. Let’s work together towards a greener future!

E series pipette tips which are compatible with eppendorf and gilson pipettes.


Catalogue of product.

More info about Ecolayer Refill System:

1. Usage Guide

Usage guide of Ecolayer refill system tips.

2. What Do I Need for The Ecolayer Refill System Tips?

If you’ve already bought E series racked tips, we welcome you to use your old racks for installation.
If you haven’t purchased yet, you can buy empty tip racks from us → Explore the options now.